London England South Mission
July 2012-July 2014

Monday, September 2, 2013

Summer Is Almost Gone!

Hey everyone! Summer seems like its going away! It was actually cold today! I guess that's what English weather is like though
This week's been awesome. I'll upload a few pictures that I forogt to last week. I need a new camera though! My card is full so I don't know what to do anymore. haha. Anyways, yeah. one of the pics is us at Blackheath park when we were walking ot the Blanchard's for a dinner appointment. Oh my days, that park is beautiful! Looks way different when you're walking thru it compared to being on a double-decker looking down. Anyways, we had a great week. We had loads of people at church! It was legit! Now we have to start committing and helping people towards baptism.
We also were talking with Isabel and she was saying she wants to serve a mission! That's so awesome. I never expected to take part in teaching/baptizing someone who would later want to serve a mission... a girl no less! So inspiring.
I just realized that I have no time. Woops. Super sorry. Hey thank you for all the e-mails everoyne, and I'm still expecting to hear from some of you guys! (Stee, Zac, Kaden etc) Levi e-maile dme though, what a champ! love that man!
Anyways, gotta get going. love you guys.
-Elder Blumenthal

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