London England South Mission
July 2012-July 2014

Monday, July 15, 2013

First Week of Training!

Hello everyone! So this obviously was my first week with Elder Fairbourn, my "son"! It was awesome. Elder Fairbourn is a really great guy, very humble and willing to work. He seems to have some homesickness though, something we all struggle with when we first come out on our missions. Despite that he's gotten accustomed to the "english life" in London and I think he's going to be okay.
Okay well what happened this week... Where do I begin!!!
So after I found out I was training we went and saw Isabel, and we were like, "Hey, let's go to the temple." HAHA! So we just went! It was hilarious. I love being in London and just taking a train to anyhwere I want.
So yeah we went to the temple, great place.
Then we had transfers day, we all met at Staines. Elder Wainwright, my trainer, is also training! So i got to see him after not seeing him for like... 9 months! He's nuts. It was really funny.
Okay so we got back into Catford and we immediately started working. And we had some crazy cool experiences! Elder Fairbourn and I had 6 people at church on Sunday! Probably more than, like... anyone, ever. Just kidding. but seriously it was awesome. We met a guy on the street named Will who was Spanish (from Dominican republic really) and had his whole family apart of the church. But he never got baptized but he was looking for us to come to church! So when he came to church it was awesome, but even more awesome is he brought his friend Santo! HAHA! It was legit.
Alright well anyways we experienced loads of miracles this week but I feel like the work needs to still be hastened. I've been really struggling (especialyl lately) with just HOW MUCH is on my plate I feel... But even harder is my memory is rubbish and I never get to doing all the things I wanted! So I've been specifically praying and working on managing my time wisely, not getting distracted and not forgetting about ANY appointments/people to call/lessons to teach.
Okay well anyways, I forget what else... Isabel is set for baptism on the 28th of July. i don't feel like I talked much about Isabel. Basically she was found about a year ago by missionaries (maybe a bit longer) and she's always been really solid, but she wasn't allowed to be baptized (she was 17 at the time)m so the missionaries just sort of forgot about her... DUMB!!! So what happened was Elder Tikoicina and I visited her, and started to teach her agian, and now she's proper set and everything for the 28th of July to be baptized. Even better, her family is backing her up 100% this time. Even better-er, is she told us just on Sunday that her testimony is SO much stronger than she thought when she originally wanted to be baptized. So basically, yeah, she's awesome. I have some pics of us at the temple attached.
Okay and the other thing was that Jordan came to church, a guy who is about 20 years old I think? Really cool guy, he's very humble but has a hard time believing in God, but definitely WANTS to find out if he's there. As it says in the scriptures, if you so much as desire, work on that, then everything will fall into place. He's really cool, I can see him joining the church in the near future as well.
Well that's al folks. Thanks for the e-mails. sorry if I haven't replied to any, I got like 15 e-mails this week! Woohoo!
-Elder Blumenthal

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