London England South Mission
July 2012-July 2014

Monday, June 24, 2013

Hey Everyone!!!!!

Sorry about the lack of e-mails, I've been way forgetful about this stuff!!!
okay well here in Catford its been great. Elder Tikoicina and I taught 19 lessons this week, which is really good, and we have someone preparing for Baptism next month! Booyah!!!
We also jsut saw a woman named Andrea who is awesome!!! She's from jamaica and has a son. She's been coming to church for 2 weeks now before we even properly taught her any lessons! She's way cool, definitely a genuine person. She fed us on Sunday and we taught a powerful lesson about the Restoration of the Gospel and the Book of Mormon. She said that Heavenly Father has been giving her a "wake up call" recently and she thought she needed to start going back to church, and thats exactly when she met a member of the ward who had the courage to invite her to church. The Lord is preparing people for us to speak to, and its up to us to act on the impressions we feel. President Monson is an excellent example of always following promptings of the spirit, and we can see the miracles that have happened to him on countless ocassions because of his diligence. Anyways, I invite everyone of you to look out for missionary experiences, they'll really help the ward and the missionaries specifically! Maybe I just like to complain but we can do a LOT of hard work! and sometimes it doesn't prove very fruitful, and that's why its great to get members involved in things like this. Well, anyways, love you guys and thank you for all the e-mails!!!
-Elder Blumenthal

Monday, June 10, 2013

2nd Week at Catford

Hey everyone how are you?! So another week has flown by in my new area Catford. Its quite nice actually, I like London. Its really really busy though, so its fun to stop people on the street and have them yell at you. haha! oh bless

Anyways I don't have any time because we have a huge mission conference going on in North London!!1 Holy cow! Hyde park!!! Going to be SO cool. so we have to run and get to that. but yeah my SD card reader broke so I can't upload any photos, I'm furious!!!! Oh my gosh. Oh well. I tjust like fizzled up and exploded basically when I plugged it in. luckily the SD card is alright and I still have all my photo's. So anyways yeah I'm proper mad about that but whatever.

well I don't know what happened out of the ordinary this week, but it was pretty cool that we had Zone Training on Tuesday, President Millar is such a heavy hitter (like Glen Lerner!!) haha! Some lady has been basically creeping on missionaries here in London all around, and so he just goes "Elder Blumenthal, avoid this Karen lady like the plague. She just wants to join the church as a social club. If she calls you, rebuke her and tell her she needs to go to Senior couple missionaries if she's serious about being baptized." haha!  It was just so funny, he tells it how it is! I love President Millar he's such a great guy. You can really tell that his mission president was Bruce R. McConkie because its rubbed off on him! HAHA!

Anyways I have to get going and e-mail president, but thank you for the e-mails everoyne, I'll promise pictures next week. London rocks!!!

-Elder Blumenthal

Jacob 4:10

Monday, June 3, 2013


Hey everyone, sorry I couldn't get to you earlier, but I got transferred! To Catford. Sad days. I'm going to really miss Maidstone. Heck, I already do. Oh well.
Well lets see what happened... Showed up at Staines chapel (we don't meet at the temple anymore for transfers.. LAME!!!) and reunited with the greatest missionaries on earth, including... Elder Hegerhorst! The Legend!!! Miss that man. Also saw Elder Fingerle and Elder Mecham, guys from my MTC group, they're all doing good. I even saw Elder Ormsby (didn't get a picture with him though) he's training.. for the second time! Wow.
I got paired up with Elder Tikoicina, great man. We are trying to build up the area, its basically a white-wash since Elder Tikoicina has only been here for a transfer and his last companion didn't help him very much get used to the area or anything.
The computer is REALLY bugging out right now and is basically breaking, so forgive me for having a short mass e-mail. I'll attach photos (if I can) of transfers and such. Its really hard being here in London, its totally foreign to me. Its going to take a while to get used to it I think. I just hope the Lord has good things in store for me. Thank you everyone for your e-mails, and I really am grateful for your prayers because missionary work can be really stressful! Love you all
-Elder Blumenthal