London England South Mission
July 2012-July 2014

Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!??

Hey everyone,
Apparently it was Valentine's day? Well I guess I'm a missionary so I shouldn't be thinking about that sort of stuff. Haha! But yeah this week went really well! In England their "fat tuesday" is national Pancake day, so we had loads of pancakes at the Mansfield's house! It was so nice. Me and Elder Hegerhorst also found a guy named Alex from Afghanistan who is basically the most chill guy ever. We taught him about how the church of Jesus Christ has been restored and he seemed to accept everything, so yeah, that guy's awesome!!!
We also saw a guy named Ollie who lives right by our flat. He's really nice too, and he literally has had NO religious background ever before meeting missionaries, but still is open minded and everything! Just goes to show that you don't have to be christian, muslim, or anything prior to hearing the words of Christ in the Book of Mormon to know that they are true. I have a testimony of that and I love to share it with others.
Other than that the week went by really well. We've picked up 4 new investigators which is amazing!!! Also had an interesting day at church, that one crazy guy from a few weeks back who got up in testimony meeting came back to church for some reason? Yeah and he was apparently probably going to do something stupid, but some big guy Brother kierzinowski (I think I spelled it right) was like "watch yourself today." and he never moved after that. Haha!!
Well thank you for the e-mail everyone, sorry that I couldn't be quicker with things, I've got very limited time today. Love you all and I pray that you are all reading from the scriptures often and praying often as well. its through these small and simple acts of respect that we see the most blessings in our lives.
-Elder Blumenthal
P.S. just a few pictures that me and Elder Hegerhorst were taking while bored knocking

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