London England South Mission
July 2012-July 2014

Monday, August 26, 2013

End of August Already!

Dear all,

Can't believe its been over 13 months since I've come to England. It amazes me every day.
Okay so, The week has been overall pretty great. We had 5 people come to church yesterday! One of which was a guy who just showed up to church! He was legit.His name is Mako. He's from Zimbabwe and shows a lot of devotion because he came to church by himself. Sadly he doesn't live in our boundaries so we referred him to the elders in Welling, but I can see taht guy joining the church easily.
We also took a woman Paula and her Daughter Olivia tothe temple last week. The greatest!!! They had an amazing time. The best part was that we committed them to be baptized on the 22 of September!! So fingers crossed that all will gowell in preparing them for that day and entering the Church ofJesus Christ.
Sorry, the keyboard here isrubbish, so sorry if the spelling and spacing is messed up.I'm too lazy to fix it!!
Well another great miracle was last week a woman stopped US on the street and wanted to find out more about what we teach. So we took the opportunity to teach her right there in the park about the Restoration of the gospel, it was so amazing! Her names Rachel. I think she's on Holiday this week so I'm also hoping that by next sunday she can come to church and have the Spirit testify to her the restoration.

Well I'm strappped for time and I think the guy at this internet cafe is giving me weird looks because the keyboard here makes a really loud sound when I type. Whoops. Anyways, I just want to bear my testimony to you all that I know this is the Lord'swork. The last few weeks have been up and down for me, I've reallynoticed that lately I don't feel the spirit's influence as much when I teach. I thinkits because.. I wasn't giving heed to it! I mean, I can answer anyone's questions with the scriputres, with logic and reason (not boasting or anything lol) But what's the point if I don't accompany that withmy testimony of the savior? Who cares if I can answer people's questions if they aren't feeling the spirit? Might as well be studying for a physics exam or something. Anyawys, my testimony is that the spirit brings us truth, knowledge, and joy that can NEVER be given in any other way from other people, regardless of how great they are at writing or speaking.

Love you all, be sure to do all you can to feel the spirit in your lives! And be sure to tell my friends to write me! (Zac, Kaden, Steven, Levi, Luke, Logan, etc.) I just want to hear from you all, see whats going on your lives! Give me a quick, short e-mail,doesn't have to be long. Anyways,enough of that. Love you all!
-Skyler Blumenthal

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Sun Is Leaving!!!

NOO!!! The sun is leaving. I was just starting to like it... I suppose that's english weather though
Thank you for the e-mails everyone!!! The week has been good, but really hard! Loved it!
Well i have to think of some good stories to tell! We had 5 people at church on Sunday, it was legit. Too bad it was super hectic, because I had to usher everyone into their classes and the teachers were all gone... Whoops! So Bishop Shmakov took over to teach the class, hilarious. Love that guy. He's so russian.
Oh and we had a big zone conference with Elder David F. Evans of the seventy. really good stuff. Loved every minute of it. He is a really great guy. He was telling us how President Eyring was reading in Jacob 5 (the parable of the laborers in the vineyard) and said, "I don't completely understand what Zenos was saying, and I don't think anyone does. But the Seminary teachers say they do" haha! But yeah he said that in the parable, in the last time when they work in the vineyard (The "last dispensation") that the lord's servant (prophet) would "call for more servants" instead of just asking for more time. Isn't that exactly what's happening in our day now? Over 100,000 misisonaries are expected to be in the field by the middle of next year. The work is hastening.

Woops, ran out of time at the library. Thanks for the e-mails again everyone! Love you all!
-Elder Blumenthal

Monday, August 12, 2013

Miracles Abounding

Hey everyone,
This week has been pretty awesome. Well it was quite hard on some days but we had LOADS of miracles, it was intense!!!!
Okay well I have like no time but anyways, we started off the week by seeing Jordan, one of our investigators I'll hav eto get a picture of everyone this week to show you guys. He's awesome. but he's struggling gaining a testimony, though he's living the gospel (as far as we can tell.) So we're going to have to see where thigns are taken from there but he's a veyr cool guy!
Next we saw a woman Paula and her daughter Olivia, with Isabel. Isabel was so excited to do missionary work, it was awesome!
Okay and finally we did service at this lady's house, I sent pictures. The greatest. there was only like 5 of us and this HUGE forest in her backyard, it was nuts!!! So many bugs and crap, ugh, disgusting. But in like an hour and a half we basically leveled the entire backyard! HAHA and she's just going to burn it all later on when its all dead, probably on Guy Fawkes night. Can't wait for that!
Oh and finally we were walking down the road the other day to see a woman and this italian boy was yelling, "Missionarios!!!" and we were like, "what the heck!?" and this mom was beckoning us in the house, long story short its a member family who just moved into england last week! And we just happened to show up and see them. They're legit, they just joined the church maybe 2, 3 years ago? All from their son who joined earlier and brought the rest of the family into the church. how legit is that! One of their sons even just got back from serving a mission! So yeha, we just brought a family into the Catford ward, pretty exciting! Haha!
It was just a huge miracle to see that family, mostly because we were just taking our time out to see a woman in the area and this happened! Just like how we met a few other really great people on the street just because we decided to take the "detour route" through a busy street. What would happen if we didn't walk there at just that moment? we wouldn't have had such a great conversation with one of the God's children. Always follow the spirit's promptings, you can see the miracles from it.
Mormon 9:16-19.
Thank you for the e-mails everyone. Until next week
-Elder Blumenthal

Monday, August 5, 2013

Crazy Hard Week

Hey everyone, thank you so much for all your e-mails and support.
This week has been hard!!! REALYL REALLY HARD!!! But its also been rewarding. We taught 28 lessons this week! Which is awesome, about 8-9 more than usual. The stresses of picking up an area and strengthening it are really taking their tolls. but on the bright side, we're seeing progress, which is the most important thing of all.
Okay so yeah, Sunday was awesome, even though we only had 1 investigator at church, Andrea. I need to get a picture of these investigators so I can send them to you! But anyways, yeah Church was still great because we had an amazing sunday school lesson about the Restoration of the Gospel (I can never get enough of hearing about doctrine/stories/experiences of the restoration) and we also had testimony meeting and Isabel got up and bore her testimony! And she's like, super shy as well. It was so awesome. She's the coolest. Anyways, sorry for the short e-mail. The week has shown me that you can NEVER just "stop" where youare and think you're fine. You always have to be watching out for the adversary's influence, and the Lord's as well. Your blessings will always outnumber your trials. Read from the scriptures. Pray often and with purpose. The Lord answers prayers, I know of it.
-Elder Blumenthal
Mosiah 4:6-12