London England South Mission
July 2012-July 2014

Saturday, April 12, 2014

General Conference Weekend!

Well, its official. Tammer the Hammer is officially home. I literally wanted to bawl when I saw the picture of him with BDN and Logan in Fausto's. The fact that he's still wearign his badge!! Like, seriously, you all ahve no idea how I feel about this all. Oh my days. I miss him SO dearly. I can hardly speak. So I must type instead. Makes me want to come home more and more, but at the same time, it makes me realize that my time ehre in the field is so limited. Oh my gosh... its actually scary.
This computer is so rubbish, its like breaking in half as I type this letter now. But I'm trying to send some photos I took this week. I have WAY more photos but they're from a long time ago, so I don't feel likeuploading them really. I havent' taken many with Remon for some reason. But he's probably one of my favorite companions. We get along great. And when he's angry, he yells in spanish, so it doesn't mean anything to me! And I  just laugh! And he laughs too so its awesome.
Well, this week was grand. we had general conference, and we watched it at the Wallace's house, which, being interpreted, is the Bishop's house. I should've gotten photos, UGH I'm a failure. We went with our investigator Mel, again, should have photos. But alas I don't. Anyways, what else? we went bowling last week, I definitely should have photos of that. But as you guessed, I don't. but Sister Green and Elder remon do, so I'm going to bug them for the photos.
I did service 4 flippin times this week!! Woah! And managed to teach 13 lessons, which is great, since Aldershot is pretty dead at the moment. Very successful. When Elder Barney (the dinosaur) our district leader asked how we had so much success, I basically just attributed it to when jesus says, "If thou canst believe, nothign shall be impossible unto you." serious folks, we always talk about how great faith is, and never even realize how hard it can be (and such a blessing it can be) if we exercize it. Uchtdorf's talk was great in talking about it I thought.
Well, I have to go. I'l send more photos. I love you all. and want you to know that I'm not perfect, an lately I've een realizing that since we're not perfect, we shouldn't hodl others to that pedestal.
love ya
-Elder Blumenthal
"I have no enemies but for the truth's sake. I have no desire but to do all men good. I feel to pray for all men. We don't ask any people to throw away any good they have got; we only ask them to come and get more. What if all the world should embrace this gospel? They would see eye to eye, and the blessings of God would be poured out upon the people, which is the desire of my whole soul."
-Joseph Smith

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