London England South Mission
July 2012-July 2014

Monday, April 29, 2013

Sun In England!? Crazy!!!

Yes, this week we finally experienced sunshine!!! I'm so glad. In fact, one day it aws actually pretty hot!!! So much better than the terrible weather we've been having before.
Well thank you everyone for the e-mails, sorry if I couldn't get back to everyone. This week has been pretty good. I don't feel like Maidstone is quite back on its feet yet, but Elder Eccleton is a great misionary and has been out for 20+ months so he knows what he's doing!
We saw Ollie and Shona this week, we haven't been able to see them for quite some time actually. Ollie texted us a bit earlier telling us that he didn't want to investigate the church anymore because his family wasn't alright with it. But Elder Eccleton and I saw him and he basically said that his family wasn't very keen on him becoming a member of the church, and he was really saddened by that. But we basically just told him he had his agency, and that we just want him to grow closer to Heavenly Father than anything else. I was really satisfied after seeing them, because I saw the blessings of letting people truly use their agency, and giving them hope for a better future despite some bad circumstances.
Well I forget what else we did this week, dangit!!! I should bring my journal to the library!!! Haha. We had a good day at church, but it was SO hectic and stressful that morning because we were trying to sort out people to get a lift to church, and I forgot my tie to church!!! It was so embarassing!!! But Chris Collingwood lent me his tie, man that guy is so awesome!!! Oh yeah, that's what we did way earleir this week, we went over to his and played some cool board game called "dungeon" its way sweet. I'm totally gonna buy that game when I get home, haha!!!
alright I have to get going, thank you everyoen for your support.
-Elder Blumenthal

Monday, April 15, 2013

Very Long Week

Dear all,
This week has been really long and hard. The area is basically dead in terms of teaching pool, so Elder Eccleton and I are struggling to get as many lessons as we should be. It definitely can be hard taking over an area, especially if you realize you've got alot of bad (or should I say lazy) habits that hinder the work. Its a good thing that Elder Eccleton is such a good missionary though, he's been out for nearly 21 months! Almost going home.
Transfer calls are tomorrow but I doubt I'd be moving. I think I'll be here for at least 1 transfer with Elder Eccleton first. The mission is getting loads of missionaries!!! Everyone is going to be training at one point probably. Its going to be huge. And despite that there's still the same amount of cars and zones so basically everyone is just going to get crammed into areas and such. Haha! But still, I'm excited!!!
I got the package from the family last week. Little late dont ya think?! HAHA! But I do appreciate it. Thank you for it. I like the letters in the package as well from the ward in Highland Hills. Be sure to thank the ward and let them know I still think of them!!!
I have to get going, thank you for all the e-mails, it's going to be quite interesting this next transfer seeing what's going to take place, and how we can find new opportunites to strengthen the ward.
-Elder Skyler Blumenthal

Monday, April 8, 2013

Six Times!!! Craziest Week Of My Life

Hey everyone,
before I begin, I apologize for the lack of weekly e-mails lately. Things have been so ehctic and crazy, but not necessarily in a good way. I hate when being rushed for time when there's not anything exciting or uplifting coming up. But anyways, this e-mail will talk about what happened the past few weeks.
So first thigns first, Joe was baptized!!! And I have photos!!!! Here's the crazy part though. I was doing the baptism!!! Well no worries, right? wrong!!!! Elder Hegerhorst (bless him) didn't seal the plug when filling up the font, so during the song of the baptismal service he went to check on it, and the water was draining!!!!!!!! So we basically had to just carry on and baptize joe in this water thats like, up to our knees. Just kidding it wasn't that low but it was pretty low.... Anyways, Joe kept kicking up his feet! Over and over!!! I had to baptize him... 6 times... That's right. It was really embarassing. Looking abck on it I just laugh though. Oh my days. At least its over now though. And he still enjoyed it. Later on we went to this Priory? (friary? I don't know what its called) and fed these geese or something with Joe. It was good stuff. Elder Hegerhorst and him were talking, I was just chasing the geese around, it was so funny. They were hissing at me and stuff!!!
So anyways the next day he was confirmed, that went well, and his parents were there for the confirmation. They seemed to really enjoy it I think.
So everything is "back to normal" throughout the week. We had Zone Training, where our entire zone gets together and has a little meeting and such. President Millar was there for interviews as well, telling us the amazing thigns happening in the mission. Here's something funny: We have 26 sisters in the mission right now. In the com,ing months, 26 sisters are coming into the mission!!! So every single sister in the mission right now is going to have to train!! Holy cow.
Anyways, we had a good day with that, came back home, got a phone call from President at 10:00 or so. He said Elder Hegerhorst was moving, to Bath!!! Which is in the Bristol Zone. He's going to be a Zone leader!! But even crazier is he said "And your moving tomorrow morning." WHAT?!?!!? Holy crap!!!! It was so stressful that night. Basically I was getting a brand new companion and taking over the area and everything, it was crazy.
So anyways, that brings me to this moment now. I'm with Elder Eccleton and we've been working the area a bit. I've been pretty sick the past few days, Don't know why, I felt guilty for not getting out and workinga s much as I wanted, but on Sunday I found out that one of the people we visited was sick and couldn't come to church... So i was just like "... whoops." So I'm not going to go out if I don't feel like it. I don't want to make any more people sick or anything.
well I ahve to go, I'll just upload some pictures. and a few videos I think. But yeah. Its funny because while waiting for Elder Eccleton, I had to go in a Tri with Elder Patten and Diaz in Welling. but the other elders there had the same Dinner Appointment as them. So just 5 missionaries were walking around the street, it was so funny!!! And I ate more fou fou, this weird pasty starch stuff you eat with your hands and dip in soup. Its just powdered yam (but not the yam we use in America) with water. Its pretty nice. Then I ate plantains and stuff. Anyways, I ahve to get going. Thank you everyone for your e-mails. Love you all!
-Elder Blumenthal